Youth Generation for Christ (YGC)

 Romans 8:19 " For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed" AMP

This is one text in the Bible that always makes me think that there is something I have to do. The Bible says that the whole creation wait for the manifestation of the sons of God  and the next question you ask yourself is for what?"

The answer is simple... for liberation. This is because the devil has held people back in bondage and darkness such that they do not even see they are in bondage. Jesus Christ said the God of this age has blinded the eyes of many. We can only liberate them from this darkness only if we align to the will of God. If we don"t they are perishing and we will account for it. This is because we always get the chance to talk to someone around us but it is either we feel proud or we think they are proud that they will not listen to us. That is not the only problem though. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 that we are now ambassadors for Christ and God is reconciling the whole world to Himself through us. God want the whole world to come to Him and it is our mandate to do this job for Him yet we are clouded with so many unscriptural thoughts. This problem is born from the idea that Christianity is a religion and that we are separated from the other religions. No, Christianity is never a religion but the way we walk with God through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit till we become like Christ. Religion and denominations belittles our knowledge about God. The ministry God gave to the apostles never targeted Jews nor Gentiles but everyone on the surface of the earth. The mandate said, we should go ye to all nations preaching the Gospel.

The time has come and the time is now for people of God world wide to stand and win souls for Christ. This is the prophecy given by the prophet Joel and it says we the sons and daughters and young men will prophecy and see visions. Prophecy is telling the mind of God to people. The question is what more thus the Lord desire than seeing you saved? 

It is now up to us brothers and sisters to arise and shine. I bring you the world wide fellowship Youth Generation for Christ and we respond breathing through the Holy Spirit. As part of our mission to raise a generation everywhere for God, we will be sharing a 5 minute message every 2 days from seasoned men of God on our YouTube channel. Please CLICK HERE>>> to subscribe and be blessed


Youth Generation for Christ (YGC) Youth Generation for Christ (YGC) Reviewed by Daniel Adjei on March 26, 2022 Rating: 5

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